The treatment of worms with folk remedies is often more effective than drugs - after all it does not cause additional damage to the body.
7 March 2025
How to remove worms from a person? The fight against worms begins with the correct diagnosis. How to get rid of parasites with medicinal means. Ways to remove worms at home.
26 December 2023
The main signs of worms in an adult, how parasites enter the body, what is dangerous. Methods of diagnosis, methods of treatment, examinations of patients and prevention of infections.
4 August 2022
What symptoms can determine the appearance of worms in children and how is this problem treated? Are there ways to prevent helminthiasis and what is its threat?
28 July 2022
How to remove worms from a person? What folk remedies are most effective? How to quickly remove parasites at home with pumpkin seeds? The answer to these and other questions in the article.
24 July 2022
Helminths - who are they? What diseases are caused by parasites. Symptoms of helminths in the body. How to treat worms?
22 July 2022
Signs, treatment and symptoms of worms in an adult. Helminths in humans cause symptoms of severe poisoning of the body. If the worms appear in an adult, then the symptoms depend on the type of parasite.
18 July 2022
Prevention of parasites in humans: medicinal and folk remedies such as worm prophylaxis.
16 July 2022
This article discusses how to tell if a child or adult has worms. What to do if you suspect parasites in the body, what tests to take and how to treat yourself in the presence of helminths.
13 July 2022
How to cleanse the body of parasites with the help of traditional medicine and with the help of medicines. How to apply soda, clay and cognac against parasites.
26 February 2022
How to get rid of parasites in 1 day? Each type of helminth has its own therapeutic agents that can cause their death. Treatment of helminth infestations at home with folk remedies and preparations. Getting rid of worms in children and during pregnancy. Prevention.
23 February 2022
What are the properties of traditional medicine? How to remove parasites from the body of a child and an adult? In the article you can find out the recipe for folk remedies for the treatment of parasites in the human body, as well as the characteristics of their use.
8 February 2022
In order not to become carriers of parasites, let's understand what are the types of helminths, what are the first signs and symptoms of worm infection, how to treat them and how to get rid of them, as well as talk about the consequences and necessary prevention.
15 January 2022
The simplest human parasites: a table of protozoan species, methods and symptoms of infection with them, differences between protozoa and helminths.
14 January 2022
Types of parasites and symptoms of infection. Simple folk remedies for intestinal parasites that can be used at home.
8 January 2022
Types of subcutaneous parasites in humans, symptoms and methods of infection. Description of heartworm disease, filariasis, schistosomiasis, dracunculiasis and cysticercosis.
8 January 2022
What is the risk of helminth infection and how to determine the presence of parasites in the human body, what signs show this, as well as how to conduct self-diagnosis and what tests are needed.
8 January 2022
The article contains recipes for effective folk remedies for cleansing the body of parasites at home.
7 January 2022
Find out what are the effective folk remedies for the treatment of worms in adults and children. More than 10 proven folk recipes + pharmacy products.
5 January 2022
Drugs for parasites in the human body, varieties by composition, division into groups, one drug against all, precautions.
21 March 2021
Cleansing the body of parasites, how to recognize them, where to start cleansing, drugs, folk recipes, additional recommendations, contraindications.
16 January 2021
Symptoms and ways of infection with helminths. How to remove parasites from the human body: recipes for effective folk remedies and rules for their use. Preventive recommendations.
13 January 2021
How to get rid of parasites in the body, parasites in the human body, health hazards, signs of parasitic infection, cure for parasites, diagnosis and treatment with drugs, measures to prevent the occurrence of helminthiasis.
12 January 2021
Parasites in the human body, types of parasites, ways of infection, symptoms, disease detection, description of human parasites.
6 January 2021
What parasites can live in the human body. How to determine the presence of parasitic invasion in the body by the symptoms of various organs and systems.
5 January 2021
Signs of the presence of parasites in the human body, treatment with folk methods (creating fever and acidic environment, eating garlic and onions, dehydration), as well as other ways to cleanse the body.
4 January 2021
Causes and ways of infection, types of parasites in the human body and the danger of their presence. The main symptoms of helminth infestations, drug therapy, preventive measures.
4 January 2021
Symptoms of parasites in the body. Methods of treatment of worm infestation with the help of folk and pharmaceutical means.
3 January 2021
Typical signs and symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body from various organs and systems, the route of infection. How to remove worms from the body with the help of folk remedies.
3 January 2021
A whole range of laboratory tests are used to diagnose a parasitic infection. Read more in the article.
2 January 2021
Types of parasites in the body, the reasons for their appearance and characteristic symptoms. The negative impact of helminths on human organs and systems. Diagnostic methods and possibilities for therapy with drugs and folk remedies. Prevention of infection.
2 January 2021
The main types of parasites in the human body and the distinctive symptoms of their presence. What organs and systems of a person can infect helminths.
2 January 2021
Types of drugs for parasites in the human body, the rules for their use for adults and children. Effective recipes for folk remedies to eliminate parasites.
2 January 2021
Causes and danger of human infection with parasites. Types of helminths in the human body and symptoms of their presence. Prevention of infection.
2 January 2021
Methods for cleansing the body of internal and external parasites: nutritional correction and diet, recipes of traditional medicine.
2 January 2021
Parasites in the human body: symptoms of worm infection, types of microorganisms (pinworms, toxocara, roundworms, giardia, tapeworms), diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies (wormwood, garlic, soda).
2 January 2021